Release Relief by Ringo Tang

鄧鉅榮 一九六一年生於香港 視像工作者 / 攝影師 / 廣告導演。遊歷於人風物境之間。其敏銳及獨特的個人風格見於其多面化的作品,鄧於一九八四年開始從事專業攝影活動。九四年開始參與廣告拍攝及導演工作。並積極參與多項社會文化義務,曾联同香港歷史博物館及香港大學製作香港歷史之纪绿片及有關文化推廣活動等。
其作品曾多次展出於本地及海外,計有2014年在沙田文化博物館之'屾“,2013年在香港ArtisTree之”生息“,2012年在香港ArtisTree之”從城市到城市“,2011年在北京798西門子藝廊之“生息”展,2010年於華美術館之“念影度形”,2009年“影像香港當代攝影展”,柏林香港藝術節等,1991年個展“靜觀萬物”, 2001年年多倫多個展“自主之城”,2013年日本神戶個展“物流/勿留”及2014年之“如去:如來”。
Ringo Tang (b.1961-Hong Kong)
Ringo Tang, visual artist / photographer / TVC director. His acute awareness of the ‘art scene’ is seen in his many faceted works. His reputation is that of someone who is always keep experimenting with new styles and pushing things to the edge. Ringo has worked as a professional photographer since 1984 and starts filmmaking at 1994. Furthermore, Ringo is keen on taking part in various community services. He has been liaised with the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Museum of History and Art in some special projects of cultural development of Hong Kong.
Ringo has taken part in many group shows including ‘Twin Peaks’ contemporary Hong Kong Photography 2014,“Breathe Life” at Artis Tree 2013, ‘From City to City” at ArtisTree 2012, ‘Breathe life’ at Siemens 798 Beijing 2011, ‘Magnificent seven’ at The OCT Art & Design Gallery 2010, ‘Imaging Hong Kong Contemporary photography 2009’, ‘Hong Kong Arts Festival in Berlin’, his solo exhibition ‘Think Thing’ in 1991, ’Autonomous City’ at Toronto in 2001. ‘Release /Relief’ at Gallery Yamaki Fine Art in Kobe Japan in 2013, ‘And time future contained in time past’ 2014.
Ringo is the recipient of numerous international and local awards, including D&AD awards 2011, Silver of International ARC awards 2003, Full Frame Documentary Film Festival 2002, Longyxi Awards 2000, NY Festivals Film & Video Awards1998, Mobius Awards 1998, Photo District News Award for excellence, HK4A Best Photography & Creative Awards1996, HKIPP gold 1995, Time Asia Pacific Advertising Awards, Communications Arts and the Art Director’s Club Awards of New York.1993, and HKDA photography gold 1990.